Università degli Studi di PaviaCentro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica e Ricerche AmbientaliVia Taramelli 24 - 27100 Pavia - Italye-mail : cibra@unipv.it ONDE - Biological sounds and noise measures from the deepWithin the large NEMO Project that
addresses the underwater detection of high energy
neutrino, an experimental deep station, named ONDE, has
been developed for measurement of underwater acoustic
noise. It has been placed on the sea bottom 21 km offshore
Catania (Sicily, Italy) at 2000 m depth. It is connected
to the shore labs through electro-optical cables to
provide real-time monitoring and it is operating since the
end of January 2005. CIBRA participated in the ONDE Project by providing support in the design of the equipment and by developing the 4 channels acquisition and analysis software. Audio files from the ONDE station are now being archived and analyzed at CIBRA to classify biological sounds. Dolphins living in the area have been recorded almost every day, while sperm whales and fin whales have been recorded with less regularity. New algorithms and recording strategies are being developed to maximize the recording capabilities and to track the movements of impulsive acoustic sources to reveal the movement of sperm whales whilst passing in the detection range. In December 2006 the NEMO-ONDE underwater acoustic platform has been switched off to be replaced by another NEMO experiment. In two years of activity the ONDE experiments generated about two TB of acoustic data that document, for the first time, the frequent presence of sperm whales on the east coast of Sicily. Other than for the biological results the experiment was a success for the technologies entirely designed and built at INFN and for the software developed at CIBRA. Data processing is being completed for year 2005. Analysis of data gathered in 2006 will begin shortly. On February 2007 news about NEMO results
on sperm whales have had a large diffusion on both the
national and the international press and even on Science. For more information on the NEMO Project visit the INFN web pages at http://nemoweb.lns.infn.it/ Download the poster presented at the XX IBAC meeting (1.3MB .pdf file) Download the
italian version (1.5MB .pdf file)
Short cut of sperm whale sounds recorded at 2000m of depth (28MB .wav files): unmodified +20dB gain, high-pass filtered +20dB gain. In the recording you'll hear a loud sperm whale performing a creak, some other sperm whales in the background, and faible dolphin's whistles. CIBRA Home Page Updated December 2006 |