La politica locale nel sistema istituzionale italiano


n. 1/1984


 Summary — At the meeting «Left and government of the town », the introductive relation on « Local politics in  the Italian institutional system » has emphasized how utopian be to think that municipalities benefit from uniform political areas in all the sectors pertaining to the sphere of their intervention.   The Constitution, in fact, though imposing the elective rule of the organisms, has not been put entirely into effect so as to confer them a real political, identity of their intervention.   In the period between the coming into force of the Constitution and the realisation of the regions, the State persisted in regulating the activity of the municipalities with over-exacting norme greatly curbing the autonomy.   Only subsequently to the institution of the regions it was attempted to setup a model of administration for programmes that would free local bodies from stifling disciplines and attribute a better political qualification to their action.  But also this attempt has not been devoid of contradictions, in as much as in some sectors the regions, conditioned by the  inadequacies  of  the local  bodies, ended in bearing heavily on local autonomy.    As a result, the feasibility of local political action in the various areas of intervention is different  according to the model of administration governing the single sectors and it is still dissimilar in each region as regards matters of regional competence.   The value judgments on the actual political action of the left town-councils cannot, therefore, forget that, according to the sectors of intervention and to the regions, the ambits of real political feasibility are often much more narrow than it is commonly  believed.