Silvio Trentin e la storia come svalutazione del relativismo 

N. 1/1985

Summary – The essay has the object of exposing the interpretation of the history proposed by Silvio Trentin and which is focused on the theme of the devaluation or of the defeat of relativism operated by history.

In Trentin’s opinion this explains that abuse practised by the central authoritarianism during the centuries in the name of concreteness and of contingent necessities. It is in such way that men’s history ends in having to bear the history of events, as if for a tacit and perverse mechanism with no solution of continuity that pushes society more and more down.

But is it to the great defeated by history " those germs in everlasting fermentation, varied, inexhaustible, different, changing " that Silvio Trentin attributes the faculty of re-establishing the new civil society on openly federalistic bases. In fact, it is just on the Italian federalists that Trentin dwells with greater participation and the utmost consent, and their failure, inasmuch as victims of the ideology of the unitary State, brings about the relapse to an age of crisis in which the individual is nullified in the name of a superior reason.