Il dibattito sulla riforma del sistema elettorale (in tema di rappresentativitą e efficienza) 

N. 2/1986


Summary — This article analyzes the proposals for the reform of the electoral system discussed by the Parliamentary Committee for the institutional reforms (Bozzi Committee), incorporating them in the ampler context of the debate on governability and on the relations between electoral and political system, and developing some simulations on their likely effects.

The Bozzi Committee, although not reaching any unitary proposal, due to the disagreement on the solutions put forward, has pointed out the necessity of linking up the principle of the ample representativity of the parliamentary institution (guaranteed by the present electoral mechanism) with the principle of efficiency, or with the possibility of the electoral system facilitating the setting up of stable and homogeneous parliamentary majorities, calling upon the electorate to express itself more on the programmes than on ideological identifications, thus making the relation electors-parties more correct and immediate.

Is it possible to join representativity and efficiency through a reform of the electoral system?

According to the a. none of the four organical proposals fully respond to the two objectives. In his opinion, however, the proposals put forward by Ruffilli and by Pasquino and Milani are those which can most bear positively upon the imperfections of the political system, favoured by the present electoral system, having respect in any case for the nature and the peculiarities of the party system.