Recenti studi su liberalismo e democrazia nel '900   

N. 1/1987


Summary - This is a critical survey of recent Italian studies on liberalism and democracy in the 20th century. The numerous books examined are both general works and monographs on Italian liberalism in this century and on diverse aspects of democracy.

Some well-known interpretations are considered, such as that by Norberto Bobbio on the relationship between politics and culture both in general and specifically during the Fascist period; or Giuseppe Galasso’s claim on the originality and autonomy of the laical pole of modern political thought, with respect to other more classic trends of thought. Gobetti, Nitti and Rosselli are investigated jointly in their double role of theorists and men of action; similarly, half-way between practice and theory of politics, three of the most controversial stages of recent political thought and history are considered: "Giustizia e Libertà", "Liberalsocialismo", "Partito d’Azione".