I processi di riforma economica nei paesi socialisti europei.

Sintesi dei risultati e prospettive 

N. 1/1987


Summary - This paper deals with the results of the economic reform policies in the eastern European countries. The general features of the reforms are outlined, emphasizing the difficulties faced in introducing market mechanisms in a planned economy. The almost thirty years experience in trying to bring about reforms shows a clear prevalence of the state-parametric model (as it is defined here) of partial reform in respect to an extensive one: the role of the central planning is reduced, monetary variables are brought into operation and the autonomy to enterprises is increased. The partial economic reforms have led to the shift from the traditional Stalinist economic model, with the only exception of Rumania. On analyzing the changes carried out in the last decade, it comes out that a real cycle of reforms like the one that occurred in the Sixties has not been effected. From the examination of the present phase of economic decline affecting the socialist European countries, stems the explanation of the need for further economic reforms.

Some future scenarios are presented by the political authorities as a possible answer to the growing economic difficulties. Finally, some long-term problems relating to the reforms are outlined, such as the existence of conflicts and contradictions between socialist principles and the criteria of economic efficiency. In the short-term a weak link is upheld between economic reforms and the political-institutional framework. At the same time it is affirmed that the reforming hypothesis, in order to give satisfactory results , requires in the long-term the acquisition of proper democratic principles in the socio-political field. The possibility of finding positive solutions to the economic difficulties of these countries is realistically linked to the maintenance of the fundamental values peculiar to a socialist system which distinguish it from a capitalistic one.