Ideologia dell'amministrazione ed evoluzione della contrattazione collettiva nel pubblico impiego  

N. 2/1987


Summary — The regulation of the Civil Service has been one of the sectors of the Administration in which, during a significant period, there was coherence between the ideological conceptions of the Administration and the methods of governing the bureaucracy.

The liberal-free trade State, which looked upon the bureaucracy as a phase trictly executive of the political will, had given to it a regulation completely founded on authoritative rules.

Despite the end of that conception, the methods of regulating the Civil Service have remained substantially the same till the end of the sixties.

During that period the changed ideological conception of the Administration - in addition to the qualitative and quantitative growth of the bureaucracy and to the new consciousness of the trade-unions — has primed a modification process of the Civil Service regulation.

At first forms of bargaining having a mere factual importance, later the introduction in laws for sectors and area of the simple economic treatment of collective bargaining in the Civil Service, thoroughly modify the traditional methods of regulation.