Proposte per un possibile riordino istituzionale  


N. 4/1987


Summary — The a. is of the opinion that every initiative towards a reform of the Parliament and of the electoral laws should avoid both minimalist and maximalist tendencies and be inspired by great equilibrium.

In particular the a. believes that a modification of the par1iamentary rules is necessary, he is inclined to maintain the bicameralism, better still a cooperative bicameralism, with attribution to the sole Senate of the coordination with the European Community’s organisms and of the local autonomies, leaving to the Chamber of Deputies particular tasks of policy and control. He suggests, moreover, the introduction of a more specific status of the opposition and of a status of each single Member of Parliament and pronounces himself, at the same time, against the secret vote saving, naturally, matters of elections and of questions concerning persons.

With regard to the electoral system, the a. proposes to correct the present proportional system which is curbing the possibilities of the electorate to choose also the formula of government. With reference to the government, then, the a. suggests the adoption of the instrument of konstruktive mistrauensvotum (sfiducia costruttiva) on the model of the fundamental law of the German Federal Republic. The a., finally, considers important the law concerning the reform of the Premier’s Office, the limitation of the use of government instruments with law effect (decreti legge) and the modification of the electoral system of local Authorities.