Autonomia della politica e problema del futuro (a proposito di Aron, Weber e Sartre)


N. 147


Summary - The a., under the guidance of John Dewey's teaching and of the pragmatist tradition, argues that the comprehension of contemporary history must also avail itself of the instrument of philosophical investigation and conceives such investigation as organization in a global comprehension of data coming from specialized sectors in moral sciences.

The a. argues again that the knowledge of the present historical phase must refer to the notion of "initial phases of the historical process" and of "historical process at its beginning". In order to find concepts apt to resolve such questions, the a. compares the thought on the historical action of Max Weber, Jean Paul Sartre and Raymond Aron.

With regard to Max Weber the a. maintains that the separation existing in his thought between purely analytical knowledge of the historical reality and motivation of the political action prevents the possibility of considering the historical process in its phases of "fracture" and of "breaking". The a. is convinced, besides, that such separation hinders the setting up of new forms of political action.

As regards Jean Paul Sartre the a. believes that an unbiased reading of his "Critica della Ragion Dialettica" allows to single out a useful operation in the notion of "Progetto" (Plan) thanks to which the rational and shared control of the historical future becomes conceivable.

The a., moreover, points out that Raymond Aron's accusations against the thought of Sartre of being a "Philosophy of violence" are groundless and brought about by incomprehension. He adds that the interpretation given by Raymond Aron leads back, with no result, to the rending between theory and praxis of the action.

In conclusion the a. suggests that the theoretical and practical comprehension of the historical contradictions should act upon the Sartrian notion of "Progetto" (Plan) and on the Kantian one of "Intenzione pratica".