La tutela delle minoranze nei diritti africani


N. 148


Summary - In the first part of the paper the a. expounds the theory that the protection of minorities of any type can be ensured by extensive and opportune constitutional guarantees of the fundamental rights of man and citizen and, in connection with this theory, the Constitution of some African states are briefly examined (Zambia, Angola, Benin and Cameroon) which, at least from a theoretical point of view, have explicitly tried to eliminate the danger that the prerogatives and the identity itself of the minorities may be overcome or annulled.

In the second part the a. starts from the consideration that also at international level the protection of minorities can be guaranteed not only through specific bilateral or multilateral agreements, but also thanks to the approval by single states of international agreements concerning guarantees of the fundamental rights of man and citizen; for this reason is presented the African Charter of the rights of man and of peoples, whose adoption by the signatory States would make unnecessary any apprehension as regards the protection of minorities.