Presenza e alterità. Tre figure della rappresentazione politica in Carl Schmitt


N. 150


Summary — The solution of the crisis of representativeness of the modern State, according to Carl Schmitt, passes through the existing separation between representation as abstract form of the political (ideology, ethics, law) and the representativeness, namely the real spheres of representation.

In the sphere of representation are examined three moments or characters in which emerge the polemical and existential implications of the separation: they are Hamlet or Hecuba, Roman Catholicism and Ex captivitate salus. From their analysis emerges the structuring force of the political idea which, however, is incommunicable outside the forms of its representation, namely, it does not possess a svmbolical antonomy. Therefore any attempt to give a political body to the idea outside the representation brings about inextricable antinomies resulting in the incommunicability between representation and representativeness.