Profilo storico-critico del MSI 


N. 151


Summary — Of all the Italian political parties the least investigated till now has been certainly the Italian Social Movement (MSI). And yet it is a minority party but firmly rooted in the Italian reality, ousted but the only one of its sort in the political European panorama. If it is true that during the last years numerous studies have come out dedicated to the Right, it is likewise true that the most dealt with topic has been in general the phenomenon of the eversive extremism or anyhow of the extra-parliamentary Right, including the most innovating phenomenon of the seventies and eighties, namely the so-called metapolitical movement of the "New Right". The purpose of this work is to draw up a reference scheme in order to start a systematic reflection on the political event lived by the MSI in over forty years, a reflection immune both from concern of a political character and from a privileged attention towards the internal events of the party. What counts in general for the historiographic research on political parties, counts all the more reason for a formation that has built its own identity as a negative pole of the entire Italian political system: its history is hardly comprehensible if are not grasped the links and the conditionings that have tied its evolution to the overall one of the social, political and cultural contest of Italy, and not only of Italy.