Dallo stato-partito al parlamento pluripartitico.

A proposito della svolta politica in Ungheria


N. 155


Summary — In this article the a. intends to give a theoretical-political explanation of the radical bend of the Hungarian society in recent times, analysing the historical continuity and discontinuity of Hungary. He proves that in the evolution of the society 1985 was a year of crisis, when the State-party and/or the party-State was unable to exercise monopolistically its power. The a. explains the essence of three important events of this year: the contradiction by now open between renewal forces (Pozsgay, Nyers) and the conservative wing (Grosz) of the POSU; the parliamentary elections with the success of non-official candidates, "spontaneous"; and finally the first meeting among "alternative" groups, as united opposition to the State-party. Thus a latent pluralism was formed which two years later, in 1988, became an open pluralism with the formation, of groups, movements and parties. The self-dissolution of the State-party occurred in 1989, the year of the final bend, at first on account of the immobility of the party-State, after for the transformation of the POSU in PSU and finally for the referendum of November 1989, when the new socialist party lost the hegemony in the management of the events. The results of the parliamentary elections of March 1990 clearly the will of the population to change: the elections were won by the Democratic Forum which thus became the strongest party of the country.