Europeismo e impegno antifascista nel pensiero di Carlo Rosselli

N. 162


Summary - Within the antifascist emigration in France the personage of Carlo Rosselli holds a first-rate position also for the tentative carried out by him, during the period 1929-1937, to surpass the national ambit in the political acting. Such tentative had as immediate results both

the research and the theorization of a federal institutional form for Italy, thus recovering a kind of a betrayed inheritance of the radical and democratic thought of the Italian Risorgimento; and the proclamation of the necessity to succeed rapidly in order to fight the existing Fascism, to the United States of Europe. Such declaration becomes a pass-word from 1935, but it ripense slowly even before the ascent of Hitler to the power. For Rosselli the United States of Europe represents, together with the federative structure of the Italian society, the tentative of surmounting of the national Weltanschauung.