La  questione monetaria nell'ex Unione Sovietica: la convertibilitā, le prospettive teoriche, la situazione reale


N. 165


Summary — The work deals with the monetary question in the ex U.R.S.S. In the first part is given the general notion of convertibility and to point out how it be more useful to introduce first the convertibility for current transactions; four approaches to the convertibility are given (big bang, gradual process, parallel money, cooperative solution). Are then analysed the possibilities to create a new a lasting monetary system. Further on is dealt with the situation in Russia. The reforms are proceeding with difficulty. The liberalization of prices is almost completed and from the 1st July 1992 the Rouble is convertible for current transactions. It is endeavoured then to understand the intentions of the Republics to introduce their own money. In conclusion stress is put on the difficulties that the economic transition process is facing.