Gaetano Mosca commissario del Collegio Ghislieri


N. 171


Summary — This paper is intended to throw a new light on the activity carried on by Gaetano Mosca when he was appointed by the government as a Commissary at the university college "Ghislieri " in Pavia (1904-1905). This is a period almost unknown of Mosca’s life, when the great political scientist was deeply interested in the problems of university teaching and administration. The paper devotes a special attention to the political friendship between Gaetano Mosca and Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, who was then minister of Public Instruction in the kingdom of Italy, and the moral setting which surrounded his working during those years in the university of Pavia. The Authors offers a political interpretation of the activity of Mosca as a Commissary, which was related to the social events of the Italian history at the beginning of the twentieth century.