Dall'URSS di Gorbaciov alla Russia di Eltsin. Mutamenti politico-costituzionali e continuitą


N. 169

Summary — With the approval of the 1988 amendments to USSR Constitution, the constitutional model of the socialist State begins to turn, but the crucial changing takes place in 1990, with the introduction of a USSR president endowed with executive powers, the recognition of private property (except from landed one) and the removal from the constitutional text of the party leading role.

The quarrel between the centre and the republics brings at the end of 1991 to the USSR dissolution and to the birth of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

When the struggle between Russia and the central institutions is over, the clash between president Eltsin and parliament in the Russian Federation itself comes out. The fight is carried on with constitutional amendments, referendums and at last with violent means, after the dissolution of parliament in the autumn of 1993.

The winner makes his Constitution, that increases presidential power and reduced the parliament one, passed by referendum. The resulting model, rather to be inspired by the North American or the Fifth French Republic ones, seems to have links with the former experience of the Country.