L'evoluzione del concetto di concorrenza nella scienza economica


N. 168


Riassunto — It is well known that in the economic science the concept of competition owns several meanings elaborated during different times. These meanings are directly linked to different interpretations of real world situations and opinions about the most suitable economic policy’s actions to safeguard competition. This situation produces confusion to whom has to deal with this concept.

While economists have always shown an enthusiasm toward this concept and its applications, different categories of economic agents, such as business people and the general public, have not, especially when the competitive environment threats damages to somebody with much influence on public opinion. Under these circumstances it is possible hearing about competition in negative terms such as unfair, disruptive, and excessive competition, and invoking measures to control it.

In general terms, competition indicate a rivalry situation under which an economic agent compete with others, unintentionally also, to succeed to get the best conditions for himself and to possess something that both can’t in the same time.

It is also possible to affirm that the competition concept evolved during the times from a pure ethic meaning in the view of the classical economists, to the actual one of a reference point to which real situations must be compared before undertaking administratjve measures.

The paper provides an overview of the evolution both of competition meaning in the economic science and of the principles which inspired the economic policy toward it.