Università istituzioni e imprese. Aspetti di diritto comparato


N. 174


Summary — Ever since universities originated as corporations of masters and students, independence has been their characteristic feature, a condition preserved over the time. Freedom of teaching and autonomy are distinct constitutive priviledges, although in modern times a link between these two concepts can be envisaged.

A tight relationship between autonomy and academic freedom of universities exists in the laws of a number of countries, including the US, France, Germany and Spain. Various links also connect universities to the productive system. The analysis of data derived from past experience is most important to assess the relationship between universities and companies, with regard to the "substantial" autonomy of university in contemporary society. These dynamic links are examined by the Author by considering the different ways through which privates contribute to the administration of universities: contracts, appointments, technological pools or joint ventures, shifting of personnel, collaboration in the common management of productive units, private financial support to research and teaching, professional orientation of university students and hiring of graduates.