Politica e cultura a Pavia dal 1926 al 1935:

 Annibale Carena e la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche 


N. 179


Summary — In the second half of the Twenties, in a panorama characterized by the acknowledged dignity to the political studies, the first Faculties of Political Science arise. Their institution is mostly due to reasons which surely aren’t new, but we have to add them the regime’s need to subject the university to its plans. The case of the Faculty of Pavia and its publications comes out within that context. Placed on the line of a long tradition of collaboration between the University of Pavia and the political authority, the events of the Faculty of Political Science of Pavia represent, in this way, one of the happiest unions between the Fascist regime and the world of high culture in the sense of a solid collaboration which, from the intellectuals’ point of view, has more the aspect of an active engagement than that of an enslavement. In that sense the figure of Annibale Carena is a model one. He moved to Pavia in 1924, when he entered the Faculty of Law. There he began his career as a militant-intellectual in the propaganda and the militant side of the local G.U.F; in this way he obtained the office of federal secretary of Pavia. In 1929 he entered the Faculty of Political Science: his first connections with that milieu date back to 1926 and remained strong thanks to his teaching activity and his steady collaboration with the "Annali di Scienze Politiche", the review in which he published his studies on public law, his favorite subject together with corporative system.