Fra menzogna ed utopia. 

Il problema del soggetto in due teorie liberali contemporanee


N. 176


Summary — The problem of good and the problem of justice are a core question of moral, political and legal philosophy. But whose good are we speaking about? And whose right are we dealing with?

Aim of this work is to show that it could be useful to read some moral and legal question from the point of view of the problem of the identification of the moral subject. This problem can be viewed either as a theoretical question or as a practical one. The former opinion implies that methaphysics establishes who is the moral subject and ethics must take it for granted: but what should we do if an outsider claims to be recognised as a moral subject? The latter opinion implies that ethics should be simply an open net of rules, whose subject is whoever can be a free and responsible agent: but who are we apply these rules to?

Indeed, the former opinion grants us a strong definition of moral subject; on the contrary the latter one gives us only a weak definition of it. However, a weak definition is open to new claims and criticisms, because it implies the awareness that a fixed definition of the moral subject can never be taken for granted. On the contrary, a strong metaphysical definition implies an exclusive and unchanging worldview and grants us no concept to understand and handle novelty.