La Facoltà di Scienze Politiche di Pavia (1925/26 - 1996/97)


N. 181


Summary — The Faculty of Political Science at Pavia University was founded in the Fascist era (although it was not a product of the Fascist regime), and soon gained a high profile both through its concentration on international politics and through its publications (from 1926, the Annuario di politica estera and the Collana di scienze politiche, and from 1928 the Annali di Scienze Politiche, relaunched in 1950 with the new name Il Politico). In the pre-war years, the faculty remained a small elite group. Noteworthy members from this period are Pietro Vaccari, Arnaldo De Valles and Carlo Emilio Ferri, who were Deans of the Faculty. The number of students steadily increased (there were 3 graduates in 1926 and 40 in 1940), although the number of professors did not increase significantly until after the war. Much of the faculty’s post-war success is due to Bruno Leoni, who increased its autonomy and promoted the resurgence of political science through Il Politico, of which he was editor. From the 50s and 60s onwards, the faculty has continued to expand its student numbers (there are currently 2.800 students enrolled), and has provided an important source of training for the various professions.