Gli esordi di Luigi Luzzatti negli studi di diritto costituzionale


N. 192



Summary — Luigi Luzzatti was one of the main representatives of Italian politics in monarchical period. Born in Venice in 1841, already a Deputy at the age of thirty and ending his career as a Senator and a member of the French Academy, he was a Minister in several administrations, the last being the Nitti cabinet. In the Giolitti period he was Prime Minister (Presidente del Consiglio),appointed by Giolitti with the support of all the political forces: the socialists themselves voted in favour. The government program included the widening of the suffrage, the reform of the Senate and the reform of primary schools. As an expert in economics and statistics, Luzzatti contributed to the development of the Italian economic system above all in terms of the credit system, insurance and agriculture. As a professor of constitutional law at Padova and Rome, he had a fervent interest in the development of a science of constitutions sensitive to their historical dimensions and with a strongly comparative bent. He always held up the model of the British parliament as the most organically complete form of government. A disciple of Marco Minghetti, he welcomed the advent of the liberal state with a strong sense of social responsibility. Although a Jew by religion, he considered his main spiritual mentors to be Thomas Aquinas and Saint Francis. Indeed, the great Catholic economist Giuseppe Toniolo was a fond pupil of his.