L'intesa tra università, regioni ed aziende del servizio sanitario nazionale

N. 207

Summary — The specific object of this article is the agreement - in accordance with the Italian decreto legislativo no. 517 of 21 December 1999 on the "regulation of relations between the national health service and universities according to article 6 of Law no. 419 of 30 November 1998" - to be reached between the local health authorities and the University Vice-Chancellors over the nomination both of executives in Departments with mixed activities (composed, that is, of complex university and hospital managerial structures), and of executives of complex university managerial structures. The central point of this article is that, alongside the procedural duties specified in the individual regulations, the parties also have the duty to respect the general principles of loyal cooperation and reciprocal fairness in the seeking of an agreement, in line with the directives set out in judgement no. 379/92 of the Constitutional Court.