L'idea di Europa. La difficile definizione di un concetto sfuggente

N. 206

Summary — Anthony Pagden's The Idea of Europe appears at a crucial moment for the creation or reinforcement of our contemporary European identity. The Idea of Europe is an informative and competent work that presents a full-range of philosophical, political, ethical, and, in a broad sense, cultural issues and controversies stimulated throughout the centuries  by  the  multifarious  attempts  at carving out an idea of Europe and his values on the part of philosophers and intellectuals of different disciplines. Pagden and the contributors to the volume elucidate the pivotal questions that scholars, students, and also citizens are to address in order to better understand the historical origins of the wavering idea of what is Europe. Together with providing a powerful insight into different concepts of European identity, the hook fosters a series of stimulating considerations on the future of the European Union and on our role as its members.