A proposito dell'integrazione di immigrati regolari. Il caso della provincia di Vicenza

N. 207

Summary — The aim of the paper is to provide a picture of the degree integration of legal immigrants in the province of Vicenza. A survey was carried out on 685 immigrants with residence permits, coming from non EU countries and resident or domiciled in Vicenza. A series of exclusion/integration indicators were identified regarding family, school, and social, relational, working and housing areas. Multiple correspondence analysis was performed to evaluate and characterize integration as a whole. 41% of the respondents come from non EU European countries, 37% from African and Arabian countries, and 21,5% from other countries. The results show that most immigrants have a permanent job (88%), and a habitable house or flat in which they intend to remain for many years, if not indefinitely. Moreover, immigrants do not seem to have problems in making contact with the Vicenza community, its services and its working and school environment. The evidence of working and living stability and of the limited problematic nature of social relationships allow us to conclude that basic integration exists and is widespread.