LUIGI BERNARDI Rileggendo Cipolla: nuovo declino e finanza pubblica 209 Maggio-Agosto 2005 Anno LXX n. 2
– The present decline of the Italian manufacturing is not unprecedented
throughout the history of the Italian economy. Among the events of former times,
one of the most serious cases occurred in the seventeenth century and has been
admirably depicted by C.M. Cipolla. One may notice how these adverse historical
events do show some alarming similarities with what is happening in the present
times. The current situation is from then on discussed at some length in the
remainder of the paper, especially as to its causes and effects concerning the
status of the public finance. Finally it is point out that the ways commonly
suggested to put Italy out from present decline are not easy nor short. As a
consequence, a wide set of well behaved public policies are called for to try to
improve the welfare of the people, even in a no-and/or slowly growing economy..