JEAN-PHILIPPE BEJA La politica cinese fra rigidità flessibile del partito e militanza autolimitata della società
213 Settembre-Dicembre 2006 Anno LXXI n. 3
Summary - The
post-Mao era inaugurated a stage of deep review of the role of Communist Party(CCP)
in Chinese society: from “revolutionary
party”(geming dang) into
“ruling party”(geming dang). This entailed a revised approach
consisting in new method of selecting and promoting party’s officials by
emphasising qualifications as expertise, managerial skills, aptitude for
encouraging economic development rather than ideological and political
faithfulness. This new strategy
succeeded in reaching a consensus of the growing middle class about the main
political goals of Chinese regime and consequently in dampening political and
social opposition by digging a huge break in social body.
With regard to this strategy of cooptation and social segmentation the
Jiang Zemin’s theory of “three
representatives” is emblematic. Though
this expression of openness and efficiency keeps being obsessively confirmed in
official speeches and in legislation the exercise of freedom in