SILVIO BERETTA La globalizzazione oggi. Orientamenti e percorsi interpretativi
211 Gennaio-Aprile 2006 Anno LXXI n. 1
Summary – The word “globalization”,which is however characterized by
empirical correspondents anything but new, shows since some time a very wide but
not univocal use. The a. emphasizes recent uses corresponding to opposite
tendencies. In a strictly economic framework we can single out, in particular,
the “negative” meaning by Amin and the “positive” one by Bhagwati.
According to Amin globalization is synonymous of world capitalistic expansion
towards a chaotic world-wide system; according to Bhagwati globalization
constitutes a positive phenomenon and moreover it stimulates the transition of
non democratic systems to democracy. According to Giddens, Beck, Bauman and Sen
globalization is a quite complex and anything but strictly economic phenomenon:
its implications are briefly outlined with reference to concepts like democracy
and freedom.