I rapporti economici e politici tra Cina e Giappone (2001-2006)







Settembre-Dicembre 2006

Anno LXXI    n. 3



Summary -The China-Japan relationships: the most important but also the most complex relationships in East Asia , characterised during the five years (2001-2006) of the Koizumi governments by increasing and deepening economic relations and, at the same time, by a freeze in political relations. Now, the new Abe government seems to be ready to mend relations also at the political level, as shown by his visit to Beijing on October the 8th, a few days after the appointment as prime minister. Will Abe be successful? Although the two countries are divided by many issues, here discussed and analysed, the growing economic interdependence and integration is a powerful factor promoting political dialogue and compromises. However, while talking to China , Japan will continue to strengthen the alliance with the United States : her insurance policy in a region still fractured and divided and, paradoxically, a stabilizing factor.