Elementi chiave nelle riforme amministrative nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese dopo il 1978





Settembre-Dicembre 2006

Anno LXXI    n. 3




Summary - The Chinese reforms of state bureaucracy carried out during the period of economic modernization have tried to comply with prevailing approach in the international debate on this issue, even if the whole administrative framework of Chinese state keeps founding itself on principles as those of non neutrality of civil service and of subordination to social and political guidelines worked out by ruling Communist party. Some significant steps aimed at increasing the efficiency of bureaucracy were run in eighties and mainly in nineties. Having approved a separate career of state officials(gongwuyuan) and a set of measures which had the effect to streamline and rationalize the functioning of state administration undoubtedly helped China to conform  to more advanced standards.   Although the management of state cadres’ career is still prerogative of party, nevertheless their recruitment based on competitions and intensive training programs have positively affected their quality and “neutrality”. Another hard commitment consists actually in standardizing the procedures(guifanhua) in order to reduce the arbitrary interventions of state officials and party representatives.