GUIDO SAMARANI La Cina dopo Deng Xiaoping (1997-2006)
213 Settembre-Dicembre 2006 Anno LXXI n. 3
– One of the biggest challenge facing the CCP in the twenty-first century is
to provide good governance and grapple with the political consequences of its
own programme of economic reforms and opening to the outside world. Throughout
the system there are problems with the current governing structures and good
governance is increasingly recognized by Chinese leaders as a fundamental step
for further development. The next (the 17th) National Congress of the CCP,
scheduled tentatively for the last part of 2007, will have to deal with many
important questions and in particular: to establish the party’s line in all
major policy sectors; to assure a turnover of leadership generations,
tentatively providing preliminary indications of the new leadership who will be
most probably in charge from 2012; combine development, reform and stability in
order to be able to govern China during the years which follow and during the
next decade.