Umberto Gori 


Cyberterroristi e cybercriminali: le minacce invisibili alla sicurezza





Settembre-Dicembre 2007

Anno LXXII    n. 3




Summary - Technology has altered and corroded the State’s authority and strenghtened non-state actors, in particular transnational crime and terrorist organizations. Cybercriminals and terrorists have already “crossed into the spectrum of information warfare”. As a consequence, states cannot control cybercrime at the individual state level. Internet offers an ideal opportunity to cybercriminals to make money, organize attacks, and  remain anonymous.  It is a must to elaborate measures, national and international, against high-tech behaviour. Our juridical systems need to be revised, as our traditional laws are devised to protect physical property and physical ‘goods’, and not the virtual assets of the world of computers. Internet allowed Islamic terrorism to become a global phenomenon, creating a virtual community corresponding to the Umma of Salafism. Cybercrime is likely to be a major threat in the years ahead.