Sergio Noja Noseda


L'attacco all'occidente da parte dell'Islam ce lo siamo inventato noi "alla Spengler"?





Settembre-Dicembre 2007

Anno LXXII    n. 3


Summary - Knowledge of the `true` Islàm in Europe and in the western world is very poor, far too superficial and based a great deal on the Arab world which is only a part of it. After an accurate analysis and after switching the point of view, the attack against  the West by Islam risks becoming a mere creation of ours closely following the funerary prophetism pattern,”Splenger style”. In fact, the western world is winning all along the line everywhere and, to a large extent, it is the reaction to this overpowering victory that is seen as an attack. Suffering from egotism and eurocentrism, we have interpreted the events of  the recent years as episodes of a war between Islàm and the West, whereas the true conflict is within Islam itself, a different view of the issue which should teach us a lesson of modesty.