d'asilo e status di rifugiato politico nell'ordinamento italiano
Summary - The present work deals with the right of asylum and
the status of political refugee in the Italian legislation, with the aim
to highlight its gaps and contradictions, especially in relation to
obligations under international law.The right of asylum is enshrined in Article 10
of the Italian Constitution and the status of political refugee
is enshrined in the Geneva Convention of 1951 on Refugees (ratified by
with law n. 722/1954).It
is of immediate perception that the requirement for the right of asylum
(the effective
hindrance to the exercise of democratic freedoms and rights) is radically different from the one for the status
of refugees (the
wellfounded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion,
nationality, membership of a particular social group or political
opinion). Despite
this difference, Italian legislation provides only for the procedure to
obtain the status of refugee and not for the one to obtain the recognition
of the right of asylum, even though article 10 of Constitution delegates
ordinary lawyer to regulate this matter. So aliens who come in Italy and
need protection have just one way: ask for the status of refugee. The
consequence is that a person who has the requirements asked for the right
of asylum - constitutional guaranteed - and not the different ones for the
refugee status, won’t get any protection (apart from, maybe, different
forms of sussidiary protection). This contrasts with fundamental
constitutional and international principles, and makes necessary that the
legislative authority takes action in order to
fill up this gap, especially considering the increasing migration
affecting our country in the last few years.