kuniko tanaka
Gli esordi dell'era Meiji attraverso gli sguardi europei: diplomatici e letterati
218 Maggio-Agosto 2008 Anno LXXIII n. 2
- After the Sakoku period (closing
of the country, isolation policy), the Restoration or Meiji Reform opened
Japan, definitely on the way of absorbing from the West plenty of
contributions in terms of science, technology and culture in general, to a
wide circulation of intellectuals and business operators coming from
Europe and the States. A few of them held diplomatic functions, others had been invited by the
Japanese government in order to enhance the dissemination of the knowledge
acquired and consolidated in their countries, some were trying to make
profit from trade, the remainder, fascinated by the charm of far away
lands, enjoyed an extraordinary grand
tour. Even before the official beginning of the Meiji era, one could
read interesting descriptions provided by enthusiastic travellers to