Morte presunta e resurrezione incerta della filosofia politica nel secondo dopoguerra
220 Gennaio-Aprile 2009 Anno LXXIV n. 1
The idea that Political Philosophy was going through a deep crisis in the first
half of the twentieth century, and that it reawakened, more or less unexpectedly,
only in 1971, with A Theory of Justice from
John Rawls, had been a deeply-rooted common place in political studies for long
time. Several thinkers have seen the “old tradition” succumb under the
strokes of historicism, positivism and relativism, and some important
philosopher (like Leo Strauss, Sheldon Wolin, Eric Voegelin) have laid the
responsibility of the crisis on liberalism. Even though that common place is
today often considered groundless, it is interesting to analyze it, at least
from the post-war period. In fact those thinkers gave rise to a sort of
“unconscious debate”, and the problems raised regarded not only political
philosophy as discipline, but some crucial points regarding some of the main
political theories. Such analyses can also be useful to make clear some
differences between different political theories and in particular to evaluate
the evolution of liberalism, a theory whose definition often seems controversial.