Fondata da Bruno Leoni
a cura del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali
dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia
Editrice Giuffrè (fino al 2005)
dal 2006 Editrice Rubbettino
dal 2019 Editrice PAGEPress


Pes Alessandro

"Il lavoro italiano in colonia nel dibattito politico tra il 1946 e il 1949"

The article focuses on the narratives used by the Italian political parties towards the colonial question between 1946 and 1949. During the Second World War Italy lost the control over the former colonies in Africa: in fact Libya, Somalia, and Eritrea went under British Military Administration. Despite the Peace Treaty bound Italy to give up the former colonies, the Allies did not immediately decided the administration of the former Italian colonies and decided to put in charge the United Nations to decide the forms of administration of the former colonies themselves. The un decisions came only in 1949 and 1950; in the years between 1946 and 1949 the Italian government and the Italian political parties were involved in a propagandistic and diplomatic struggle to achieve the right to run the former colonies again. This struggle involved most if not all the political parties; both, the government and the political parties, developed a propaganda towards the colonial question. The article analyses one of the main features of the political propaganda towards the colonial question: that is the recall of the work and effort spent by the Italian colonizers. According to this propaganda Italy had the right to run again the former colonies. The article describes and analyses the political discourse towards the Italian colonizers and underlines how this discourse was homogeneous among the political parties till 1949.