Marchi Carlotta
"La solidarietà islamica agli albori del ventesimo secolo: Abd-al Raḥman ‘Azzām e la circolazione di panislamismo e panarabismo"
The period between 1845
and 1950 is generally evaluated as a moment
of global change. Specifically, the first
two decades of Twentieth Century revealed
the decay of imperialism and the spreading
of a common sense of belonging throughout
the colonies. In this sense, phenomena like
the Libyan War, the Balkans War and the
First World War were strictly interrelated,
and showed the growth of the Islamic solidarity
against Western colonialism. This
awareness, exploiting instruments as the
press and the telegraph, extended from East
to West, involving economic and cultural
networks, as well as individuals. The aim of
this article is to analyse the Islamic solidarity,
which bloomed during the Libyan War
(1911-1912), in order to demonstrate how
is has been declined in space and time. It
focuses on the use of material instruments
and on the involvement of political personalities:
the figure of ‘Abd al Raḥman ‘Azzām
is an example of solidarity’s outliving until
the Seventies.