Berta Giuseppe
"Industria. Il rapporto tra l´industria e l´Italia"

The development of industrialization in Italy appears to be strictly intertwined not only with the modernization of society, but with the growing role of institutions. This trend can be explained by the fact that, just after the kingdom of Italy was built in 1861, industry was limited to very few parts of the country. In the dominant free-trade context, the manufacturing basis was very narrow. Things changed in the Eighties of the 19th century, when the state began to strongly support the growth of industry. This pattern - founded on a combination of state aid and entrepreneurial initiative – had to last for about one hundred years, the period during which Italy established itself as one of the important industrial countries of the world. At the end of the 20th century, Italy had to change its distinctive economic pattern following the general lines of the European integration and so modifying its institutional framework, which turned to be financially very heavy. The crisis of the Italian mixed economy had the effect of transforming its industrial structure.