Fondata da Bruno Leoni
a cura del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali
dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia
Editrice Giuffrè (fino al 2005)
dal 2006 Editrice Rubbettino
dal 2019 Editrice PAGEPress


Franzosi Paolo

"Una riflessione su potere e conoscenza in Michel Faucault"

Modern society offers to us many insights about the connection between knowledge and power. In spite of this, politological studies on this issue are rare. However, wee can analyze the contribution of Michel Foucault, trying to deduce elements and ideas, without necessarily embracing his philosophy, but useful for political science. Political scientists can found interesting insights expecially with reference to the delineation of social conditioning as power phenomenon widespread in modern society, in terms of a particular kind of power associated with knowledge.