Fondata da Bruno Leoni
a cura del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali
dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia
Editrice Giuffrè (fino al 2005)
dal 2006 Editrice Rubbettino
dal 2019 Editrice PAGEPress


RattoTrabucco Fabio

"Tra il principio di laicità e la libertà religiosa: l´esposizione di simboli religiosi negli edifici pubblici alla luce della giurisprudenza della corte EDU"

The article deals with the complex history of the display of crucifixes in Italian class rooms, an issue dealt with by judges of the ECHR. While the ECHR’s involvement confirmed the legal system’s potential fragility,it also stood for the protection of fundamental liberal democratic rights through a supranational institution. The ECHR’s ruling produced a debate on the level on the impact of its ruling on internal normative systems of countries concerned with preserving their national identities. From the ECHR ruling emerged an attempt to coordinate a dual perspective of the affirmation of individual rights and the maintenance of a national status quo. The failure or success to achieve such coordination will, over the short and long-term, be influenced by the ECHR ruling.