Fondata da Bruno Leoni
a cura del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e sociali
dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia
Editrice Giuffrè (fino al 2005)
dal 2006 Editrice Rubbettino
dal 2019 Editrice PAGEPress


Vitale Alessandro

"Il nuovo “baricentro orientale” nella politica estera della Russia post-sovietica"

Russia’s turn towards Asia is an evident orientation of the contemporary Russian foreign policy. Over the last two years, Russia has been gradually yet consistently reorienting itself towards Asia. This turn includes accelerated diplomatic efforts in favor of countries in Central Asia (the “near abroad”), East, South East, the Asia-Pacific system and South Asia, especially after the beginning of the political crisis in Ukraine in 2013. The precipitous deterioration of Russia-West relations will undoubtedly contribute to Russia’s turn towards Central Asia and China. In fact, Russia is searching a new role both in the world and in Asia, achieving a role of regional key player. Russia’s turn to the East has already become one of the most relevant components of the country’s national strategy. The attitude of the Russian political and intellectual élites to the Asian vector of Russia’s foreign policy depends on controversial cultural factors (eurasianism) and generates an ambitious agenda aimed at accelerating Russia’s integration into the political processes in Asia. However, Russia’s Asian strategy faces a number of problems on solving more complex sets of tasks in a higher stage. Moscow has done much except what the regional players expect from it (especially small and medium-sized countries) and the entire system of cooperation with China remains a weak strategic partnership, far from being a new complete political alliance.