Calabrò Anna Rita
"Ancora una volta: cos’è la politica?"
According to Franco Rositi, in this historical moment, the
task of sociology is to think about the rules of a “good”
public communication and about the reasons depriving politics
of a language accepting others´ ideas and discussing one´s
own in a convincing way so that deceit, ideological
mystification and propagandist inventions are the shared
lexicon. In the essays analysed here, the author proposes not
only a reflection on defining a conceptual framework to link
sociological study and research to concepts and meanings as
far as possible from misunderstanding, but also a real ethical
call about the necessity of defining the communicative rules
of public language to guarantee a shared rationality where
the arbitrary and vague traits of language correspond to
arbitrary and vague traits of behaviour, in particular in the
political context.