Norma Anglani
Denominazione del corso: Modelli Per Le Conversioni Energetiche Ed Azionamenti()
Codice del corso: 504700
Corso di laurea: Ingegneria Elettrica
Sede: Pavia
Settore scientifico disciplinare: ING-IND/32
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Ingegneria Elettrica
Crediti formativi: CFU 9
Sito web del corso: (online as o f March 2013)
Obiettivi formativi specifici
The lessons aim at preparing the student to deal with the energy planning of a circumscribed area: either it is an industrial site or it is a territory. The energy conversion stream can flow from conventional resources (i.e. thermal, hydro), from alternative/renewable resources (wind, solar, co-generation) down to the energy service at the end user. The modelling will be used to investigate the technical, the economic, the environmental and energy aspects. The topics cover an introduction to planning, optimization techniques and the use of scenarios for the modelling (eqv. 6 ECTS). The specific topics of electrical drives will be faced with respect to compressed air system (eqv. 3 ECTS). All the above topics will be the basis for the preparation of the report (work group thesis) at the end of the course. During the laboratory works the students will be driven to the use of specific modelling programs.
Programma del corso
Tipologia delle attività formative
Lezioni (ore/anno in aula): 68
Esercitazioni (ore/anno in aula): 0
Attività pratiche (ore/anno in aula): 0
Materiale didattico consigliato
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
The final exam consists of an oral session where the candidate shall demonstrate his/her knowledge on the matter and discuss the final work group thesis.