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Enterprise digital infrastructure

Insegnamento Anno Accademico 14-15

Docente/i: Maria Carla Calzarossa  

Denominazione del corso: Enterprise digital infrastructure
Codice del corso: 504713
Corso di laurea: Computer Engeneering
Sede: Pavia
Settore scientifico disciplinare: ING-INF/05
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Computer Engeneering
L'insegnamento è affine per: Computer Engeneering
Crediti formativi: CFU 12
Sito web del corso: n.d.

Obiettivi formativi specifici

The course is aimed at studying the architectures of complex enterprise digital systems with particular emphasis to the role of their hardware and software components and to the issues related to their sizing, performance evaluation and Quality of Service (QoS). We will introduce the techniques and tools able to analyze and forecast the performance of a systems and we will discuss some case studies. At the end of the course, each student will have enough competences to plan and successfully undertake performance evaluation and capacity planning activities.

Programma del corso

Computer architectures: characteristics and components. Performance indices and their role. Client/server and peer-to-peer paradigms. Services: Web, email, e-commerce. Protocols: HTTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, FTP. DNS. Web caching. Techniques and tools for capacity planning. QoS metrics. Benchmarking. Monitoring. Operational analysis. Simulation techniques. Queueing network models. Case studies.


Knowledge of the major network protocols and basics on computer architectures.

Tipologia delle attività formative

Lezioni (ore/anno in aula): 90
Esercitazioni (ore/anno in aula): 0
Attività pratiche (ore/anno in aula): 0

Materiale didattico consigliato

J. Kurose, K. Ross. Computer Networking - A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet. Forth Edition. Pearson Education, 2008.

E.D. Lazowska, J. Zahorjan, G.S. Graham, K. C. Sevcik. Quantitative System Performance Computer System Analysis Using Queueing Network Models. Prentice Hall, 1984.

G. Iazeolla. Principi di Simulazione Discreta. Franco Angeli, 2010.

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Written exam.

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