Luca Perregrini
Denominazione del corso: Microwave measurements
Codice del corso: 505006
Corso di laurea: Electronic Engineering
Sede: Pavia
Settore scientifico disciplinare: ING-INF/02
L'insegnamento è caratterizzante per: Electronic Engineering
Crediti formativi: CFU 6
Sito web del corso: http://microwave.unipv.it/pages/microwave_measurements/
Obiettivi formativi specifici
The course is taught in English.
The course aim to present the techniques for measurement and characterization of circuits and antennas for applications in the microwave frequency band. The student will basically learn how to select the most appropriate instruments and components to organize a measurement setup for a given circuit. Moreover, he will be able to conduct autonomously some standard measures.
Programma del corso
The course will address the following topics:
- Component and devices for microwave measurements: directional couplers, circulators, attenuators, matching circuits, matched loads, filters, wavemeters, slotted lines.
- Characteristics of connectors, cables, waveguides and transitions.
- Frequency and signal generators.
- Power measurement: bolometers, detectors, and mixers.
- Impedance measurement by a reflectometer.
- Vector Network Analyzer: block diagram and calibration techniques.
- Spectrum analyzer.
- Basics of nonlinear and active circuits measurement.
- Measurement of cavity resonators.
- Antenna measurement: comparison between open space and anechoic chamber measurements; far field measurement, near field measurement (planar, cylindrical, spherical scan), compact range systems.
- Basics of electromagnetic interference measurements.
- SAR measurement.
Knowledge of electromagnetic field theory and microwave circuits, basic knowledge of antennas.
Tipologia delle attività formative
Lezioni (ore/anno in aula): 30
Esercitazioni (ore/anno in aula): 20
Attività pratiche (ore/anno in aula): 15
Materiale didattico consigliato
Provided by the teacher.
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
Oral examination.