Industrial Automation Engineering - 1 year - Robotics and Mechatronics

  Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì
9:00-10:00 Laser safety  - E7 Robot control  - aula8 Automated mechanical system design  - C7 Power electronics  - E1 Industrial control  - aula3
Industrial control  - C2
10:00-11:00 Laser safety  - E7 Robot control  - aula8 Automated mechanical system design  - C7 Power electronics  - E1 Industrial control  - aula3
Industrial control  - C2
11:00-12:00 Industrial control  - A2
Industrial control  - C2
Automated mechanical system design  - B4 Identificazione dei modelli e analisi dei dati b  - aula8 Identificazione dei modelli e analisi dei dati b  - B4
Organization theory and design  - A2
12:00-13:00 Industrial control  - A2
Industrial control  - C2
Automated mechanical system design  - B4 Identificazione dei modelli e analisi dei dati b  - aula8 Identificazione dei modelli e analisi dei dati b  - B4
Organization theory and design  - A2
14:00-15:00 Machine learning  - B4
Machine learning  - A4
Organization theory and design  - EF2 Data science and big data analytics  - B2
Robot control  - A3
Data science and big data analytics  - C7
Power electronics  - A4
Strategic management and business planning  - E8
15:00-16:00 Machine learning  - B4
Machine learning  - A4
Organization theory and design  - EF2 Data science and big data analytics  - B2
Robot control  - A3
Data science and big data analytics  - C7
Power electronics  - A4
Strategic management and business planning  - E8
16:00-17:00 Machine learning  - B4
Machine learning  - A4
  Data science and big data analytics  - B2
Industrial control  - A3
Identificazione dei modelli e analisi dei dati b  - aula5
Laser safety  - E3
Machine learning  - C7
Strategic management and business planning  - E8
17:00-18:00 Machine learning  - B4
Machine learning  - A4
  Data science and big data analytics  - B2
Industrial control  - A3
Identificazione dei modelli e analisi dei dati b  - aula5
Laser safety  - E3
Machine learning  - C7
Strategic management and business planning  - E8
Strategic management and business planning : the course will start on Friday 14/03