Industrial Automation Engineering - 2 year - Robotics and Mechatronics

  Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì
9:00-10:00 Energy efficiency in compressed air systems  - aula8        
10:00-11:00 Energy efficiency in compressed air systems  - aula8        
14:00-15:00 Energy efficiency in compressed air systems  - E1     Planning, management and supply of goods and services  - E1  
15:00-16:00 Energy efficiency in compressed air systems  - E1     Planning, management and supply of goods and services  - E1  
16:00-17:00       Planning, management and supply of goods and services  - E1 Safety in engineering and technology  - E2
17:00-18:00       Planning, management and supply of goods and services  - E1 Safety in engineering and technology  - E2
Planning, management and supply of goods and services : You can see the schedule on the notices board page