Attività di ricerca di Jacopo Magistretti: principali settori di interesse passati e presenti
1) Canali del potassio sodio-attivati: proprietà di singolo canale e funzioni nella scarica neuronale
Haimann, C., Magistretti, J. & Pozzi, B. (1992) Sodium-activated potassium current in sensory neurons: a comparison of cell-attached and cell-free single-channel activities. Pflügers Archiv 422, 287-294.
Franceschetti, S., Lavazza, T., Curia, G., Aracri, P., Panzica, F., Sancini, G., Avanzini, G. & Magistretti, J. (2003) Na+-activated K+ current significantly contributes to post-excitatory hyperpolarization in neocortical intrinsically bursting neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 89, 2101-2111.
2) Studio delle proprietà dei canali voltaggio-dipendenti nelle cellule granulari della corteccia cerebellare
D’Angelo, E., Rossi, P., De Filippi, G., Magistretti, J. & Taglietti, V. (1994) The relationship between synaptogenesis and expression of voltage-dependent currents in cerebellar granule cells in situ. Journal of Physiology (Paris) 88, 197-207.
Rossi, P., D’Angelo, E., Magistretti, J., Toselli, M. & Taglietti, V. (1994) Age-dependent expression of two high-voltage activated calcium currents during cerebellar granule cell development in situ. Pflügers Archiv 429, 107-116.
Magistretti, J., Castelli, L., Forti, L. & D'Angelo, E. (2006) Kinetic and functional analysis of transient, persistent, and resurgent sodium currents in rat cerebellar granule cells in situ: an electrophysiological and modelling study. Journal of Physiology 573.1, 83-106.
Diwakar, S., Magistretti, J., Goldfarb, M., Naldi, G. & D'Angelo, E. (2009) Axonal Na+ channels ensure fast spike activation and back-propagation in cerebellar granule cells. Journal of Neurophysiology 501, 519-532.
Osorio, N., Cathala, L., Meisler, M. H., Crest, M., Magistretti, J., & Delmas, P. (2010) Persistent Nav1.6 current at axon initial segments tunes spike timing of cerebellar granule cells. Journal of Physiology 588, 651-669.
3) Studio delle proprietà biofisiche, farmacologiche e funzionali delle correnti voltaggio-dipendenti di calcio nei neuroni delle strutture rinencefaliche e limbiche
Magistretti, J. & de Curtis, M. (1998) Low-voltage activated T-type calcium currents are differently expressed in superficial and deep layers of guinea-pig piriform cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 79, 808-816.
Magistretti, J., Brevi, S. & de Curtis, M. (1999) Biophysical and pharmacological diversity of high-voltage-activated calcium currents in layer II neurones of guinea-pig piriform cortex. Journal of Physiology 518, 705-720.
Magistretti, J., Brevi, S. & de Curtis, M. (2000) A blocker-resistant, fast-decaying, intermediate-threshold calcium current in palaeocortical pyramidal neurones. European Journal of Neuroscience 12, 2376-2386.
Brevi, S., de Curtis, M. & Magistretti, J. (2001) Pharmacological and biophysical characterization of voltage-gated calcium currents in the endopiriform nucleus of the guinea pig. Journal of Neurophysiology 85, 2076-2087.
Castelli, L. & Magistretti, J. (2006) High-voltage-activated Ca2+ currents show similar patterns of expression in stellate and pyramidal cells from rat entorhinal cortex layer II. Brain Research 1090, 76-88.
4) Studio degli effetti di cationi metallici divalenti sulle proprietà biofisiche e funzionali di canali voltaggio-dipendenti neuronali
Magistretti, J., Brevi, S. & de Curtis, M. (2001) Ni2+ slows the activation kinetics of high-voltage-activated Ca2+ currents in cortical neurons: evidence for a mechanism of action independent of channel-pore block. Journal of Membrane Biology 179, 243-262.
Magistretti, J., Castelli, L., Taglietti, V. & Tanzi, F. (2003) Dual effect of Zn2+ on multiple types of voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents in rat palaeocortical neurons. Neuroscience 117, 249-264.
Castelli, L., Tanzi, F., Taglietti, V. & Magistretti, J. (2003) Cu2+, Co2+, and Mn2+ modify the gating kinetics of high-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels in rat palaeocortical neurons. Journal of Membrane Biology 195, 121-136.
Nigro, M. J., Perin, P. & Magistretti, J. (2011) Differential effects of Zn2+ on activation, deactivation, and inactivation kinetics in neuronal voltage-gated Na+ channels. Pflügers Archiv 462, 331-347.
5) Correnti voltaggio-dipendenti di sodio attive sotto soglia o intorno alla soglia: proprietà biofisiche, basi di singolo canale, ruoli funzionali
Magistretti, J., Ragsdale, D. S. & Alonso, A. (1999) High conductance sustained single channel activity responsible for the low-threshold persistent Na+ current in entorhinal cortex neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 19, 7334-7341.
Magistretti, J. & Alonso, A. (1999) Biophysical properties and slow voltage-dependent inactivation of a sustained sodium current in entorhinal cortex layer-II principal neurons: a whole-cell and single-channel study. Journal of General Physiology 114, 491-509.
Magistretti, J., Ragsdale, D. S. & Alonso, A. (1999) Direct demonstration of persistent Na+ channel activity in dendritic processes of mammalian cortical neurones. Journal of Physiology 521, 629-636.
Dickson, C. T., Magistretti, J., Shalinsky, M. H., Fransén, E., Hasselmo, M. & Alonso, A. (2000) Properties and role of Ih in the pacing of subthreshold oscillations in entorhinal cortex layer II neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 83, 2562-2579.
Dickson, C. T., Magistretti, J., Shalinsky, M. H., Hamam, B. C. & Alonso, A. (2000) Oscillatory activity in entorhinal neurons and circuits: mechanisms and function. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 911, 127-150.
Agrawal, N., Hamam, B. M., Magistretti, J., Alonso, A. & Ragsdale, D. S. (2001) Persistent sodium channel activity mediates subthreshold membrane potential oscillations and low-threshold spikes in entorhinal cortex layer V neurons. Neuroscience 102, 53-64.
Magistretti, J. & A. Alonso. (2002) Fine gating properties of channels responsible for persistent-sodium-current generation in entorhinal-cortex neurons. Journal of General Physiology 120, 855-873.
Magistretti, J., Ragsdale, D. S. & Alonso, A. (2003) Kinetic diversity of single-channel burst openings underlying persistent Na+ current in entorhinal cortex neurons. Biophysical Journal 85, 3019-3034.
Fransén, E., Alonso, A. A., Dickson, C. T., Magistretti, J. & Hasselmo, M. E. (2004) Ionic mechanisms in the generation of subthreshold oscillations and action potential clustering in entorhinal layer II stellate neurons. Hippocampus 14, 368-384.
Magistretti, J., Castelli, L., Forti, L. & D'Angelo, E. (2006) Kinetic and functional analysis of transient, persistent, and resurgent sodium currents in rat cerebellar granule cells in situ: an electrophysiological and modelling study. Journal of Physiology 573.1, 83-106.
Magistretti, J. & Alonso, A. (2007) Multiple conductance substates in pharmacologically untreated Na+ channels generating persistent openings in rat entorhinal cortex neurons. Journal of Membrane Biology 214, 165-180.
Castelli, L., Biella, G., Toselli, M. & Magistretti, J. (2007) Resurgent Na+ current in pyramidal neurones of rat perirhinal cortex layer II: Axonal location of channels and contribution to depolarising drive during repetitive firing. Journal of Physiology 582, 1179-1193.
Castelli, L., Nigro, M. J. & Magistretti, J. (2007) Analysis of resurgent sodium-current expression in rat parahippocampal cortices and hippocampal formation. Brain Research 1163, 44-55.
6) Studio dei meccanismi di modulazione muscarinica dell’eccitabilità nei neuroni della corteccia entorinale
Shalinsky, M. H., Magistretti, J., Ma, L. & Alonso, A. (2002) Muscarinic activation of a cation current and associated current noise in entorhinal-cortex layer-II neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 88, 1197-1211.
Magistretti, J., Ma, L., Shalinsky, M. H., Lin, W., Klink, R. & Alonso, A. (2004) Spike patterning by Ca2+-dependent regulation of a muscarinic cation current in entorhinal cortex layer-II neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 92, 1644-1657.